National Chapter History
Mortar Board was founded nationally in 1918 at Ohio State University, and is now represented at 198 colleges and universities nationwide. Originally established as a socity for women, Mortar Board oficially became coed in 1975. It is currently an active national honor society specifically meant to honor college seniors for the entire scope of accomplishments throughout their undergraduate careers.
Mortar Board is a senior honor society based upon the principles of scholarship, leadership, and service. Membership is the product of a process involving nomination, application, selection, and the completion of three stages of membership. All applicants must have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.0 and demonstrated excellece in the three areas mentioned above. A candidate is elected when he/she has received no less than 80% of the votes of current membership.
Recognizing the avantage of a national union of Senior Honor Societies, we hereby unite to form a national honor society whose purpose shall be to contribute to the self-awareness of its members, to promote the equal opportunities among all peoples, to emphasize the advancement of the status of women, to support the ideals of the University, to advance the spirit of scholarship, to provide service, and establish the opportunity for a meaningful exchange of ideas as individuals and as a group.
Mortar Board Statement of Purpose